In this article, we will try to explore more the Tree of Life by laying down the Truths about It that the Bible is telling us. Here are the seven Biblical Truths about the Tree of Life:
1. The Tree of Life Once Partaken (Eaten), Grants Eternal Life
Gen. 3:22 “And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.”
The Tree of Life will give Adam and Eve Eternal Life (live forever) once partaken as revealed in Genesis 3:22. This is only logical since the name of this Tree is “Life,” which means it functions to give Eternal Life. When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, they can access the Tree of Life, but after their fall, they were cast out of the garden to prevent them from eating it and living forever. The lesson here is simple yet profound—if one partakes the Tree of Life, It will make them live forever Which means they cannot die.
Eternal Life means having a Life without end. Once obtained, it cannot be lost nor end. This concept forms the foundation of the belief in eternal security for those who are saved. It is often said, “Once saved, always saved,” because once you have received eternal life, it cannot be revoked, no matter what sins or mistakes you may make. Just as the Lord Jesus said in John 10:28, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.”
2. Adam and Eve Had to “Eat” from the Tree of Life to Live Forever
Even in their state of innocence before the fall, Adam and Eve had to “eat” from the Tree of Life to live forever. This indicates that, at that point, they did not yet possess eternal life. The very purpose of the Tree of Life is to give them Eternal Life. If they have already possessed Eternal Life when they are created by God, then the Tree of Life has no use for them. If It has no use for them, then the Lord should have not introduced It or put It in the midst of the Garden for them to access It.
Another reason why Adam and Eve did not yet possess Eternal Life when they were created is because they died when they sinned. Eternal Life means having a life without end (Gen. 3:22), If Adam and Eve already possess Eternal Life, then they should have not died when they sinned since no sin can end Eternal Life. It is called “Eternal Life” because it is a Life that cannot end, even if you sin. Nothing can end It.
This further tells us that Eternal Life is something that we must receive—it is not inherent. And the only source of It is God alone. Adam and Eve did not possess It as they are not the source of It.
3. Eternal Life can never be Lost
If Eternal Life could be lost because of sin, then it was never truly eternal. If Adam and Eve have Eternal life and they lost It because of sin, then it is not ETERNAL Life that they have(the word “Eternal” means “without end”). Eternal means everlasting, without end. If someone could lose it, it would contradict the very nature of being Eternal. Therefore, just as Adam and Eve can have Eternal Life even if they have sinned as long as they can partake the Tree of Life (Gen. 3:22), so is Eternal Life cannot be cut off by sin.
4. The Tree of Life VS. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Tree of Life is often contrasted with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, there is a powerful parallel between the two. Just as the knowledge gained from the Tree of Knowledge cannot be erased from the flesh, the life given by the Tree of Life cannot be taken away from the spirit also once it is consumed.
Adam and Eve’s disobedience brought death to their spirit, not because they were without a spirit, but because the Spirit of God that grants Eternal Life does not indwell them. Satan, for instance, has a spirit, but he does not have eternal life. Why? Because God does not indwell in him. On day, he will be thrown into the lake of fire. What Adam and Eve lost in the Garden of Eden is there access to the Spirit of God, the very source of Life.
5. Having a Spirit Does Not Mean Having Eternal Life
Having a spirit created by God does not automatically mean having eternal life. The fallen angels have spirits too created by God. The critical difference lies in whether that spirit is indwelt by God. When God breathed His Spirit into Adam (Genesis 2:7), it brought life, but it required ongoing fellowship with God to sustain that life. When sin severed this connection, death entered the picture, both spiritually and physically. The Spirit of God, however, is eternal and cannot die because of sin. This is why having the Spirit of God is synonymous with having eternal life.
6. The River of Life and the Tree of Life in Revelation 22
In Revelation 22, we are shown a beautiful image of the new heaven and earth. Verse 1 speaks of the “pure river of water of life,” symbolizing the Word of God and His Spirit. This water is what quenches spiritual thirst forever, as the Lord Jesus promised in John 4:13-14, where He said, “Whoever drinks of the water I give them will never thirst.”
The Tree of Life reappears in this new creation too (Revelation 22:2), bearing twelve kinds of fruit, symbolizing the fullness of the Spirit’s work in the believer’s life. These fruits—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23)—are manifestations of the Spirit in those who have received Eternal Life. The seven characteristics of the Spirit of God from Isaiah 11:1-2—wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear of the Lord—are further evidence of the depth and richness of life in Christ.
This imagery confirms that once we partake of the Tree of Life—symbolizing our salvation in Christ—our eternal future is secure. 2 Timothy 2:13 assures us that even when we are faithless, God remains faithful to His promises.
7. No More Curse to those who are Indwelt by God
Verse 3 of Revelation 22 declares, “No longer will there be any curse.” The curse that entered the world through sin will be eradicated because of the indwelling of the Tree of Life. Those who serve the Lord will reign with Him, and only those who are servants of Christ will be part of His Bride. Serving the Lord is not merely an obligation; it is the pathway to being fully united with Christ.
Revelation 22:4 promises that the faithful (Indwelt by God) will see the face of God. This is the ultimate reward for those who have lived a life of service and dedication to the will of the Spirit of God. Only those who are truly His servants, who have been conformed to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29), will behold His glory.
To see His face is to have the full revelation of His name, His attributes, and His nature. As we grow in our spiritual journey, we move closer to this ultimate goal: complete unity with Christ which can only happen through the indwelling of the Tree of Life (Christ).
In conclusion, the Tree of Life is a profound symbolism of the Spirit of God who is Eternal Life. From Genesis to Revelation, the Tree of Life reminds us that Eternal Life is not just a future promise but a present reality for those who are indwelt by the Spirit of Christ. By understanding the depth of this symbol and the fullness of God’s Word, we can grasp the eternal security that comes with the indwelling of the Spirit of Christ.
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