July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Hearing by the Word of God

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Romans 10:17 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

According to this verse, faith can only come “by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” But this verse is often misquoted. Instead of quoting the whole verse, most people omitted the word “BY”. “Hearing BY the word of God” is much different compared to just “hearing the word of God”. The former means you hear USING or THROUGH the word of God. This only means that one can only have faith by hearing USING the word of God. Anyone can hear the Word of God as long as you want. But only those who are hearing BY the Word of God are the ones who can have faith.

Now, the Lord can reveal to us His revelations through many things. He can use His word, vision, dreams, problems, trials, His messengers, life circumstances, His creations, etc., in order for us to have a revelation of those things He wants to reveal to us. The thing is, only those who hear these revelations BY His Word are the ones who can have faith.


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