July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Fortification often Began at Home

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Neh. 3:10a “And next unto them repaired Jedaiah the son of Harumaph, even over against his house.

In the above verse we can read that the workers began rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem outside their own home first. They did think of others and knew that collectively they would contribute to the wall as a whole; yet individually they still wanted to make sure their own home had a solid wall of protection surrounding it.

The principle for us is to make sure that our own home was spiritually fortified in the Lord first before we can lead others. One of the things that Jesus hated the most was the play-acting of the Pharisees. They liked to be seen as ‘spiritual’ among the people while in reality they were actually white washed tombs Jesus said. Let us all mimic Nehemiah’s men and make sure that our home life is taken care of first before any ministering or service to others is under taken.


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