July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


He was the Son of God

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Matthew 27:54 “When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

“He was the Son of God.” That was the testimony of a centurion who is a previous unbeliever that was a personal witness to Jesus’ crucifixion that day.

Imagine being the centurion. It is your job to stand guard and watch the entire proceedings of the crucifixion. You have been assigned to many crucifixions in the past and death is a common part of your job. But this one is way different! You have never seen or heard one like this before. Why did it go dark for three hours in the middle of the day? That was kind of spooky! Where did Jesus, even while facing death in the face, get His ability to forgive his accusers and mockers? Who else could speak with such authority so as to promise a petty thief a place in paradise with Him? And even in the very act of dying, it seemed like Jesus was in control, only dying after committing His spirit into the “Father’s hands.” Even at the cross this ‘Jesus encounter’ led to salvation of the centurion.

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