July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


The Baptism of Fire

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”Matthew 3:11b “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with FIRE.”

Contrary to popular belief, the baptism of the Holy Ghost is different from the baptism of Fire. We should be baptized twice. First by the Holy Ghost and next by Fire. Fire reveals the substance. Anything that cannot pass fire will get burnt and all that will be left is a pure substance that cannot be burnt.

It is fire that makes us radiate and make us as clear as crystal. Our exposure to extreme temperature will purify us and will make us be able to reflect and refract light so that we can effectively reflect our Lord. Sufferings and tribulations are necessary to free us from all impurities. That’s the way the Master Jeweler can bring the best in us for us to become brilliant stones. Without sufferings, without the baptism of fire, we will not be changed.


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