July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


The Lord is Good and Faithful, but He is not Safe

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2 Kings 4:20 “And when he had taken him, and brought him to his mother, he sat on her knees till noon, and then died.”

Now, here is a woman who has been faithful to God. And finally, the Lord answers her prayer, that is, to have a son. Her joy was immense! But the heights of her joy are matched by the depths of despair as her son now lies dying on her lap. For the entire morning she does all she can to help him but it is to no use and finally, around midday, he dies in her arms.

Now, let’s try to put ourselves in the woman’s shoes for a while. Wouldn’t that bring questions to your mind if you were her? Is God good? Is He faithful? Is God safe? Didn’t He promise to give me this child? Why has this happened? What all Christians need to learn from this is that God is good, He is faithful. But He isn’t necessarily safe.

The one who holds our lives in His hand is not safe. What I mean when I say “God is not safe” is that, He allows things to come into our lives that we would not choose for ourselves. He did not promise us that we will never have troubles here on Earth. In fact, what He had promised us is the opposite, we will have tribulations in this life (John 16:33). Even John the Baptist had doubts when things were going contrary to what he would have liked and imagined (Matt 11:2-3) It is a part of Christian growth. Consider the following from ‘the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ where Lucy starts enquiring about Aslan (a type of Jesus):

“Is Aslan safe? Of course he’s not safe” said Mr Beaver. “But he’s good. He’s the King I tell you.”


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