July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Bless those Who Persecutes You

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2 Kings 6:20 “And it came to pass, when they were come into Samaria, that Elisha said, LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see. And the LORD opened their eyes, and they saw; and, behold, they were in the midst of Samaria.”

When the king of Aram sent his army to kill Elisha, the Lord sent his army of angels to protect him and his servant (2 Kings 6:18-24). But despite of this great advantage of Elisha, I would like to point that he did not commanded the angels to kill the armies of Aram, instead, he just asked to blind them so that he may lead them to Samaria. After they are in Samaria, Elisha asked the Lord to bring back their sights and provide them with great feast (verses 18-24).

This very act is a fantastic example of what the New Testament says in Romans 12:14-21 which says “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse… Do not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with good.” Here was the army of Aram sent by the king to kill Elisha. And how does Elisha respond? By striking them down or setting the angelic guardians on them? Mmm, no, not quite. He provides them with a great feast and sends them home safe and sound… that’s how! In this way Elisha typifies the Lord Jesus who didn’t respond with vengeance towards those that came to arrest and kill Him. But He overcame evil with good by enduring the cross and praying for their forgiveness.


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