July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


How Much Do You Love the Truth?

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Neh. 6:11 “And I said, should such a man as I flee? and who is there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save his life? I will not go in.”

In Nehemiah 11, a man named Shemaiah prophesied a false prophesy against Nehemiah to make Nehemiah stop the construction of the wall of Jerusalem. He said that he was given a prophesy that Nehemiah needs to hide in the Temple to saved his life for the enemies will come and kill him. Just like Shemaiah, many false prophets and false ministers today are using false prophesy, false dreams and visions to deceived the Church.

How did Nehemiah deal with this? Nehemiah judge his prophesy through the Word of God. The word of God stated that only the Levites “shall attend to the priesthood for everything concerning the altar and inside the veil…but the outsider who comes near shall be put to death” (Num 18:7). And yes, Nehemiah was not a Levite. Nehemiah knew the word of God and acted by its truth and therefore, save his life by not hiding in the Temple!

Many could learn from his actions today. How much do we love the truth? Does it matter to us what the Word of God is saying? Or do we compromised the truth and just ride the errors in the church?  Nehemiah was a man of integrity who committed his life and actions to the truth of God’s word. He loved the truth! And through that love and knowledge of God’s Word, Nehemiah was able to discern the true from the counterfeit prophesy, even others could not. Today, many ministers reject the truth that they have already received from God in the name of being open minded to others opinion. This is why the Lord is outside of them already and is knocking at the door. They are neither hot nor cold when it comes to the truth.


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