July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Live as Servants of God

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1 Peter 2:16: “Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God.”

Being freed by the truth doesn’t mean you can entertain anything you want and believe anything. Some people think that because they have been freed by the truth, they can now entertain doctrines and teachings that are opposite of the truth that they have received. They are like Eve who already knows the truth but is still open and entertain the false teachings of the serpent and therefore, all humanity fell into sin.

Being freed by our Lord doesn’t mean you can do anything you want and can now indulge in sin or submit to the desires of our flesh. This is the freedom defined by the world. But this is NOT the freedom given to us by our Lord. If you are still indulging in sin and the desires of the flesh, you are not actually free. You are a prisoner of the flesh. Being free means being free to be use by God. The Lord can freely use you for his plans. Being free means being free to be the servant of the God.


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