Ephesians 2:10 “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”
It is pleasing for God to have people set apart for Himself. Sanctification is not just being set apart from sin, but being set apart for God. He wants you! All throughout the Bible God has desired a people that would be His own. A people that would not run after other god’s or idols (in whatever shape and form they come in), but a people who would love Him and be devoted to Him.
We see in the Old Testament where Israel is repeatedly portrayed as an adulterous wife, causing great sorrow, yet one whom He loves. (Hosea 3, Ezek 16). Likewise, we are the Bride of Christ set apart for Him. So our sanctification is not just for ourselves, or for those around us. It’s for Him and Him alone. “Your maker “, Isaiah tells us, “is also your husband” (54:5). And no husband should ever have to share his wife.
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