July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


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This article will answer the question “Who is God?”

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

  1. Who is the Great Eternal Spirit?
  2. Who is the Word?
  3. Who is the Lord Jesus Christ?


The topic of the Godhead is arguably the most discussed topic of all the Bible topics. This is only natural because the first and the most important thing that a worshipper must know is “Who is the One he/she is worshipping?” If what we consider as “God” is not the true and the living God of the Bible, then all of what we do concerning our spirituality will be put to waste. All of our worships, prayers, adoration, supplication, thanksgiving, everything that we believe in and all of our spiritual efforts will be of nothing if our “God” is the wrong God.

This is why it is so important to make sure that your God is the true and the living God of the Bible. Our spiritual journey actually revolves around knowing Who is our Lord God. If you have started right in this journey by making sure first that your God is the true God, then you will also end right. But if you have started in the wrong god, then expect that your journey is all wrong until you have known the One true and living God.


1. Roman Catholic

If you are a Roman Catholic, then you believe in a three-in-one God. You are a Trinitarian. The doctrine of the Trinity states that there are three distinct Gods in the Godhead. These three distinct Gods are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Each one of them has its own distinct personality from the others. That is why God the Father IS NOT God the Son and NOT God the Holy Spirit. The same as God the Holy Spirit IS NOT God the Father and NOT God the Son. They are three distinct Gods as can be seen in the Trinity symbol below. But according to this doctrine also, these three Gods are what made up their One God. Here is their symbol:


Therefore, in the doctrine of Trinity, God the Father is one-third of their God. The same is God the Son also one-third of this God and God the Holy Spirit. If one God of the Trinity will be missing, then their God is not a complete God. These three Gods are also co-equal with each other. That means that God the Father is not greater or mightier than God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The same is God the Son is not greater than God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

In summary, the doctrine of the Trinity is having one God who is composed of three different Gods. Now, I don’t know about you but I cannot understand this doctrine. If you can’t understand this also, then it is only natural for even the Trinitarians themselves cannot understand this doctrine. Quoting Dr. South, here is what the Trinitarians are saying defending this doctrine:

“The Trinity is a fundamental article of the Christian religion, and he that denieth it may lose his soul, so he who strives to understand it may lose his wits!”

It is NOT true that you will lose your soul if you deny something that you never understand but it is indeed true that you will lose your wits if you try to understand this doctrine of the Trinity because in the first place, this doctrine was only invented by men and is never founded on the Biblical Truth that is why no one can ever understand this false doctrine.

Too sad, majority of those who claimed to be “Christians,” believe in this doctrine. If you are an Anglican, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Seventh-day Adventist, Pentecostals (although a minority are Oneness) and like many other Protestant churches that believe in the Trinity, then this is what you believe in. This is your doctrine. This doctrine tells you that you can never know God and that if you try to know Him, you will only lose your wits.

2. Jehovah’s Witnesses and Members Church of God International (Ang Dating Daan)

If you are a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses then you believe in two Gods: the Almighty God and the Mighty God. For them, Jehovah is the Almighty God (bigger God) while the Lord Jesus Christ is the mighty God (smaller God).

Similar to this is also the beliefs of the Members Church of God International (Ang Dating Daan) headed by the late Eliseo “Eli” Soriano. For them, Yahweh or God the Father is the Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ is a smaller God.


3. Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ)

If you are a member of the Iglesia ni Cristo, then your God is God the Father (Ang Ama) alone. For you, the Lord Jesus Christ is not God but only a human being. For you also, the Holy Spirit is not God but only the power of God the Father.

4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)

If you are a Mormon, then God the Father is your God. For you, the Lord Jesus Christ is just a created being and a spirit brother of Lucifer. For you also, the Lord Jesus is only our brother.


5. The Endtime Message Denomination

Among all of the denominations, the Endtime Message Church that has become a denomination is the most chaotic when it comes to its beliefs on the Godhead. They are the ones who have so many different versions of the Godhead. Some groups believe in the Godhead just like those of Jehovah’s Witnesses. But majority believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is only a human being and not God just like the Iglesia ni Cristo. Some also believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is only the physical body of God.

Aside from these, other Endtime Message groups have also so many other versions of the Godhead.

But Who really is God?


Have you seen how chaotic men’s doctrines about Who the Lord God is? Do you now see the importance of making sure that the God that you believe in should be the only true and the living God?

Since all of those denominational doctrines above about the Godhead are incorrect, we need to consult the only source that can show us Who God really is – the Bible. We can actually read in the Book of John Chapter 1 what the Godhead really is. The Apostle John has given us a summary of this. In John 1:1 we read:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

And in verse 14 we read:

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.”

Now, there are three characters mentioned in these two verses. They are the following:

  1. God
  2. Word
  3. The Word that was made flesh (Who is our Lord Jesus Christ)

So Who are these three? Are they three different entities/beings? Why did John mentioned them as he summarizes the Godhead? Are they three different Gods? We will now answer these questions using the Bible. We will now tackle these three mentioned by John one by one.


The Bible is emphatic in showing us that there is only one God (Deu. 6:4). In fact, the first commandment of God told us that we should have no other God besides Him (Exo. 20:2-3) for He is the One and only God.  Our Lord God even emphasized this in Isaiah 45:5:

I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me.”

It is therefore clear that there is only ONE God. Not three-in-one God, nor one God in three persons nor an Almighty God and a mighty God. Just one God.

So who is this one and only God?

He is no other than the GREAT ETERNAL SPIRIT (or Eternal Spirit in Heb. 9:14) as written in 1 Timothy 1:17:

“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.”

He is the God mentioned in John 1:1a that says:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God…”

In order for us to know more about Who is the Great Eternal Spirit, we will now tackle His attributes.

Below are some of the attributes of the Great Eternal Spirit:

1.  He is King Eternal and Immortal (1 Tim. 1:17)

A King is someone who is above anyone else in a Kingdom. This means that no one is above the Great Eternal Spirit. He is above everything. That’s why we call Him GREAT Eternal Spirit.

Being eternal means He has no beginning nor end. He is someone that is not bound and cannot be bound of time, space, matter, anti-matter or anything else that has a beginning and has a dimension. Simply put, the Great Eternal Spirit is limitless, dimensionless and eternal.

Because He is eternal, you cannot contain Him in anything that has time. You cannot contain Him in anything that has space. You cannot contain Him in anything that is matter since all of these have beginning and dimensions and therefore, are not eternal. You cannot contain Him in heaven, since heaven has a beginning (Gen. 1:1). You cannot contain Him in the whole universe since the universe has a dimension and beginning. He is not limited to all of these. He is not affected by time, space and matter at all. And because He is eternal, He is also immortal (no ending). You cannot end Someone who has no beginning. For how can you end Someone Who has no beginning?


2. He is above all, through all and in us all

Eph. 4:6 “One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”

Because the Great Eternal Spirit is dimensionless and cannot be contained in anything that has dimension, this makes Him through all and in us all. This means that everything exists within Himself. Everything that you know, exists within Him. The Spiritual realm and the physical realm exist within Him. Nothing is outside of Him. For what could be “outside” Someone Who is limitless and has no dimension?

This is the reason why the Great Eternal Spirit is in control of everything, both in spiritual and in physical. For everything exists within. Nothing that had happened or is happening now or will ever happen in the future that is not controlled by Him. This is why we proclaim “God is in control”. Nothing can separate us from Him (Rom. 8:39).


3. He Dwells in Eternity

Isa 57:15a “For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy.”

Because eternity has also no beginning, no ending and is dimensionless, this means that eternity and the Great Eternal Spirit are one. Both have no beginning, this means that the other did not exist prior to the other. Both have no dimension which means that the other is not bigger or smaller than the other. Simply, the Great Eternal Spirit and His habitation which is called “eternity” are one and the same. Eternity is Him.

Since the Great Eternal Spirit and Eternity are one and the same, this also means that the Great Eternal Spirit is existing or inhabiting within Himself. And this is true because the Great Eternal Spirit is also called YHWH (pronounced as YAHWEH or YEHOWAH) which means “The Eternal within Himself Existing One.” One of the attributes (names) of the Great Eternal Spirit is that, He is existing within Himself.


4. He is Invisible

1 Tim. 6:16 “Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

Because He is in eternity, all that has beginnings (all creations), cannot see Him nor approach Him (go to Him) at any time. The Bible is very clear on this: NO MAN HAD SEEN HIM NOR WILL EVER SEE HIM. There will be NOT a single time in the past nor in the future that we can see Him.

In order for creations who has beginning, to approach the Great Eternal Spirit Who has no beginning, there should be Something to mediate between them. This Something should be PART of the Great Eternal Spirit and at the same time, PART of the creations in order to be a mediator. In other words, He should be a part of the Great Eternal Spirit and at the same time, HAS A BEGINNING.



In summary, everything in the Great Eternal Spirit is eternal. This means that nothing in Him has a beginning or has ever begun. He is all-sufficient and complete. So if nothing in Him has a beginning or nothing in Him ever begins, how can He create then? Because if He starts creating, then those creations will have a beginning. And this can never happen because everything in the Great Eternal Spirit has no beginning. Having a beginning is not in His attributes. He cannot create something that has a beginning. In other words, He cannot START anything. UNLESS…

Unless there is Something in Him that will have a beginning! This something SHOULD BE A PART OF HIM and not a separate being or consciousness from Him in order for Him to claim that He alone is God (Isa. 43:10-11). In other words, this Something SHOULD BE A PART of the Great Eternal Spirit that has the ability to start or create anything.

Just like what I have mentioned above, this Something should be a part of the Great Eternal Spirit and at the same time, has a beginning in order for the Great Eternal Spirit to start anything. It should be a Mediator between eternity and time. This way, the Great Eternal Spirit can create anything (begin anything), which He can never done without having this Mediator. The Bible called this Mediator the WORD.



The Word (Greek: Logos) is the PART of the Great Eternal Spirit that has the ability to start everything since It has a beginning. Without the Word, nothing can be made or started by the Great Eternal Spirit as stated in John 1:3:

“All things were made by him (Word); and without him (Word) was not anything made that was made.”

THIS IS CRYSTAL CLEAR! Without the Word, the Great Eternal Spirit cannot create or start anything because He has no beginning. In other words, the Word is the part of the Great Eternal Spirit that has the ability to make everything begin (create). The Word is the part of the Great Eternal Spirit that has a beginning.

The question is: How can the Great Eternal Spirit have a part that has a beginning if all of Him has no beginning?

To answer this, we will look at the natural, for the natural is the type and shadow of the spiritual as stated in Romans 1:20:

“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”

According to the Bible, the best natural illustration of the Great Eternal Spirit and His Word is no other than the Sun and its Sunlight as written in Hebrews 1:1-3

God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets.

Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

Take note of the words which I have highlighted on these verses. According to these verses, the Great Eternal Spirit is like the Sun in our solar system, while His Word is the “brightness of his glory and the express image of his person.” In other words, the Word is like the Light of the Sun or commonly known as Sunlight which is the brightness and the express image of the Sun.

This will now answer our question as to “How the Word has a beginning if it is a part of the Great Eternal Spirit who has no beginning?

Just like the Great Eternal Spirit, no physical being can approach the Sun for it will be burned. The same as Sun cannot also directly approach Earth. But how did the Sun reach us? It is by beginning to extend itself through its Sunlight. The Sunlight is the part of the Sun that begins to reach and give life to Earth. Sunlight is the mediator between the Sun and the Earth, so to speak. Sunlight is part of the Sun that begins everything on Earth. Without Sunlight, there will be no life on Earth. Without Sunlight, the Sun cannot give life to Earth. It is only through Sunlight that the Sun can begin anything on Earth. It is only through the Sunlight that the Sun can approach Earth. Just like it is only through the Word that the Great Eternal Spirit can begin to make (create) anything (John 1:3).

How did we know that the Sun is hot even if we cannot approach it? It is only through its Sunlight. How did we know that the Sun is bright? Because its Sunlight reaches us. The same is true with the Great Eternal Spirit and His Word. We have known that the Great Eternal Spirit is light because His Word that reaches us is light (John 1:4-5,1 John 1:5). We have known that the Great Eternal Spirit is Life because His Word that reaches us is also Life (John 1:4, John 14:6). We have known that the Great Eternal Spirit is a compassionate and a loving God because His Word that became flesh and reached us (our Lord Jesus Christ), is the same. Indeed, His Word is the “brightness of his glory and the express image of his person.

The Great Eternal Spirit and His Word are actually what John is talking about in John 1:1-3 when he wrote:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (Great Eternal Spirit), and the Word was God. The same (Word) was in the beginning with God (Great Eternal Spirit). All things were made by him (Word); and without him (Word) was not any thing made that was made.”

At this point, we will now tackle one by one the attributes of the Word in order for us to know Him better.


1. The Word is a PART of the Great Eternal Spirit

John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Again, the Word is NOT a creation of the Great Eternal Spirit. It is His part that has the ability to start anything. If the Word is a created being just like the angels or man, then It has Its own consciousness aside from the consciousness of the Great Eternal Spirit. If the Word has its own consciousness, then we will have two Gods. This can only happen if the Word is a created being.

Those people who preached and believe that the Word is created by the Great Eternal Spirit, are contradicting John 1:3;

“All things were made by him (Word); and without him (Word) was not anything made that was made.”

NOTHING WAS MADE WITHOUT THE WORD. This is crystal clear! If you believe that the Word was created by the Great Eternal Spirit, then there is someone that was created without the Word. You are contradicting this verse big time!

“All things were made by him (Word).” If you believe that the Word was created by the Great Eternal Spirit, then there is someone that is not created by the Word. You are again contradicting this verse. Again, the Bible is very clear! Without the Word, nothing was ever made. Our understanding should be in line with the Bible.

The Word is NOT a creation. Think of the Word just like the hand of the Great Eternal Spirit. If for example you are the Great Eternal Spirit, then your hand is the Word. Your hand is a part of you. It has no separate consciousness or mind aside from yours. Anything that you wanted it to do, that it will do. This way, God is still one God, not two. If your hand is writing, you can say “My hand is writing” but as a whole, it is you who is writing.

The same is true with the Great Eternal Spirit and His Word. The Word is like His hand. Anything that the Word is doing, it is actually the Great Eternal Spirit Who is doing it. Yes, it is the Word that created heaven and Earth, but in actuality, it is the Great Eternal Spirit. Yes, it is the Word that became flesh and save humanity (John 1:14) but in actuality, it is God (the Great Eternal Spirit) that save humanity.

All of these are done by the Great Eternal Spirit through His Word because the Word was never in one time got separated from the Great Eternal Spirit. This is why we read “and the Word was with God” because It was always been a part of the Great Eternal Spirit. This was even again emphasized in John 1:2:


From the beginning until now and in the future, the Word will always be with God. He will not be a separated being and will have no separate consciousness. Anything that the Word has done, was done by the Great Eternal Spirit (John 5:19). This is why the Word is NOT a creation.


2. The Word, unlike the Great Eternal Spirit, has a Beginning

“In the beginning was the Word…”

When the beginning started, the Word also started. The beginning and the Word are one. The same as eternity and the Great Eternal Spirit are one. Again, the Word is the Part of the Great Eternal Spirit that has a beginning. It is necessary for the Great Eternal Spirit to have a part that has a beginning in order for Him to create (begin everything). Only something that has a beginning can also start anything that has a beginning. This is why we read in John 1:3:

All things were made by him (Word); and without him (Word) was not anything made that was made.”

To have a beginning is the only way for everything to begin. The Word is the only way for creation to be created (start to exist). The Word is the only way so that the Great Eternal Spirit can create (John 1:3). Like in our previous natural example, in order for the Sun to begin to give life to Earth, it should begin to have its Sunlight extended to Earth. The part of the Sun that has the beginning to extend from it is its Sunlight.


3. The Word is God

“…and the Word was God” (John 1:1)

According to the Bible, there are many, many reasons why the Word is God. But we will only tackle the most important three:


A. First, the Word is God because He is part of the Great Eternal Spirit Who is God.

He is never separated from the Great Eternal Spirit. Anything that the Great Eternal Spirit will do, He does it through His Word (Isa. 55:11). There is nothing that He had done that is not through His Word. Therefore, the God that has created everything, the God that answers our prayer, the God that has done everything for us, is no other than – the Word. If the Great Eternal Spirit wanted to speak, He speaks through His Word. Therefore, it is the Word that speaks to us. 

It is the Word that speaks here in Isaiah 45:5a:

“I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me”


B. Second, the Word is God because He is the “brightness of his glory and the express image of his person” (Heb. 1:3) of the Great Eternal Spirit.

This means that He is the revealed part of the Great Eternal Spirit. All things that we know about the Great Eternal Spirit are in His Word. All revealed part of the Great Eternal Spirit is His Word. Nothing that is NOT is His Word is revealed to us. Therefore, ALL WE CAN EVER KNOW ABOUT GOD IS THE WORD. That’s why all creations have no other God but the Word alone. He is all of God that we know and can ever know. He is the One and ONLY God (Isa 45:5, Deu. 6:4, Exo. 20:2-3, Isa. 43:11).

Because He is the image of the invisible God (Great Eternal Spirit), He is the God that created Adam and was seen by Adam in Genesis 1-3. Because the Great Eternal Spirit cannot be seen nor can ever be seen by man at any time (1 Tim. 6:16), it is through His Word that He appeared and sup with Abraham in Genesis 18:1-8. It is the Word that wrestles with Jacob in Genesis 32:24-32. It is also the Word that appeared to Moses as a burning bush in Exodus 3:2.

The Word is also the God Who sits on the throne in heaven Who is worshiped by the angels. The “I AM,” the “Elohim,” the “Yahweh” and the “Jehovah” of the Old Testament are no other than the Word. He is the God that appeared and conversed with the saints in the Old Testament.


C. Third, the Word is God because He created everything (John 1:2).

He is the God of all creations. He is a creator of everything and by Him, all things were made (John 1:3). He is the God who created heaven and Earth in Genesis 1:1. He is the God Who created the Angels. He is the God Who created the plants, animals, birds and Man in Genesis 1. He is the God Who created both the Spiritual and the Physical realm (Universe). Simply put, the Word is the God of all creations (all that has beginnings).

Not only these, John 1:3 that says “All things were made by him (Word); and without him (Word) was not any thing made that was made,” does not only mean that He is the creator of everything. It also means that HE MADE UP EVERYTHING THAT WAS CREATED. He is the raw material of everything He creates. He is in His every creation. If the Great Eternal Spirit is the One Who made up Eternity, the Word on the other hand, is the One Who made up all creations. Every creation exists within the Word. This is why we read in Colossians 1:16:

For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.

The Physical realm, our universe, is also made up of the Word. This is what we can read in Hebrews 11:3:

“Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.”

This is also the reason why He is also in control of everything that was created. All creations are in Him. And that’s why “In him we live, and move, and have our being” (Acts 17:28a). This is how great and how big our God is! Nothing is not within His control!

He is the Alpha and the Omega (Beginning and End) (Isa. 44:6) or the completeness of everything! 


4. The Word is called Father

Because the God of the Old Testament that appeared and conversed with the saints is the Word, it is also the Word whom they called Father. We can read this in Isaiah 63:16:

“Doubtless thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: thou, O LORD, art our father, our redeemer; thy name is from everlasting.”

Since the Word is the expressed image of the Great Eternal Spirit, the Great Eternal Spirit can only show Himself through the Word. Therefore, no one had ever seen the Great Eternal Spirit (1 Tim. 6:16), only the Word. It is the Word that is called “Heavenly Father” (Deu. 32:6) by the Old Testament saints.

Isa. 64:8 But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.”


5. The Word is Life and the Light of Men

John 1:4 “In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”

Since the Word is the Creator, He therefore is the only source of Life. All of us who have Life, came from Him. We are His seeds and He is our Father, the source of Life. He is Eternal Life and He is the Tree of Life (Gen. 2:9). There is no other source of Life aside from Him.

This Life is also our Light (Psa. 119:105). The Word is the Light that we should follow to guide our path in this world. Just like the Sunlight that gives life and light to Earth, the Word is also the Light of the world that gives Light to it.


6. The Word is the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit or commonly known as the Spirit of God is actually the Word (Luke 1:35). The Word and the Spirit of God are one and the same. The Word who will later become flesh, will die and will resurrect. He will then indwell the believers and will be called the Holy Spirit (John 14:17-18). This is how the Word will be upon us. 


7. The Word is the Only Savior

Isaiah 43:11 “I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no savior.”

Humanity has no other savior but the Word ALONE. And because the Word is God, therefore, the Savior of humanity is God Himself. There is no other savior besides our Lord God Who is the Word. That’s why we can read in Acts 20:28:

“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, WHICH HE HATH PURCHASED WITH HIS OWN BLOOD.

We are purchased by the BLOOD OF GOD HIMSELF (The Word). This is the reason why our Messiah (Savior) is GOD. Because there is no other Savior aside from God ALONE. IF HE IS NOT GOD, IF HE IS NOT THE WORD, THEN HE IS NOT THE SAVIOR. If your Messiah is only human and not God, then He is not the Savior that the Bible is telling us.

Now, in order for the Word Who is God to become our Savior, He needs to become human so that He can purchase us by His own blood. And this is why we read in John 1:14a:

“And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…”

The Word (God) Who is a Spirit, did not intend to remain a Spirit forever. He wanted to become human so that He can save us because there is no other savior of humanity aside from Him alone. This is what we can read in 1 Timothy 3:16:

“Without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in flesh, justified in the spirit, seen by angels, preached among the nations, believed on in the world, and received up in glory.”

This is the complete manifestation of God (the Word). THIS IS THE GOSPEL – God became a human in order to save us! God did not just remain a Spirit forever. He became a Flesh. This is how literally the Great Creator became our Savior! Praise be the name of the Lord!



To summarize, the Word is the extended part of Great the Eternal Spirit Who extends from Eternity in order to have a beginning. To have a beginning is necessary to begin (create) everything. IT IS NEVER SEPARATED FROM THE GREAT ETERNAL SPIRIT AT ANY TIME. It has no separate consciousness or mind from the Great Eternal Spirit. He is the image of the invisible Great Eternal Spirit. Because He is never separated from the Great Eternal Spirit, He is the Only God of all creations. He is the Father of all creations for He created everything. He is the only source of Life and the Light of all creations. There is no other Savior but the Word alone. And He (Word) became flesh and dwelt among us to become our savior.



If you have read the whole article above, then by this time, you have already an idea about who the Lord Jesus Christ is. But if you have not fully read the article above, then you can never fully grasp Who is the Lord Jesus Christ here. I advise you to read it first.

The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14, Rev. 19:11-13). In other words, He is the Word that became human.

For “God to become human” is rather a complicated process just like how the Word Who has a beginning, came from the Great Eternal Spirit Who has no beginning. But this process is also explained by the Bible. Before tackling this process, let me first tackle the unbiblical explanation of most of today’s Endtime Message ministers about the process of the Word becoming Human.

To them, our Lord Jesus Christ is just a physical body of God (Word). Their famous example is the water in a glass. The glass where you put the water is the Lord Jesus Christ while the water is God. This is also the reason why they hypothesized that the Lord Jesus Christ is not God because He is only a body of God just like the glass is not the water. This example is actually too far from the truth. The process of God becoming human is never like this. How did they come up with this erroneous explanation? Because they are also the ministers who think that the Word only started to become human during the baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan. This is why for them, the Lord Jesus Christ is like only a glass that holds the water.

But the Biblical process of how God became a human is NEVER like this. Below is the detailed and Biblical explanation of how the Word Who is God and is a Spirit, became flesh.




1. Spirit, Soul and Body

A Spirit is someone who can never interact and can never be affected by the physical world. In order to access and be affected by the physical world, you need to have a physical body. If you want to see, feel, smell, hear and taste the physical world, you need to have a physical body that has these five senses.

When Adam was created by God in Genesis 1:27, he was created in the image and likeness of God which means that just like God, he is a spirit who is both male and female. He is not affected and he cannot interact with the physical world around him. Though being a spirit, Adam has a soul (mind, will and emotions) which is not affected by the physical environment. All that can affect his soul is his spirit and his spiritual environment alone.

When God formed Adam from the dust of the ground (Gen 2:7), Adam now has a physical body. He is now a human being. This means that Adam is not only a spirit but a human being. When God breathes the spirit of life into his nostril, Adam becomes a living soul. This means that his soul (mind, will and emotions), is not only affected by his spirit and the spiritual realm, it is now being affected also by his physical body and his physical environment.

At first, when Adam was only a spirit, his mind, will and emotions (soul) were not affected by his physical body and his environment. But after becoming a human being, whenever he is hungry, his mind now is thinking of food, his will now wants to eat food and his emotions now are affected by the food he eats. This is how a spirit becomes a human (flesh). His flesh completely became him also. You are now not separated from your flesh. You are now your flesh. This is not like the glass and the water example where the water is not affected by the glass the same as the glass is not affected by water. 

This influence of the spirit and body to the soul was further explained by the apostle Paul in Romans 7:15-18:

“For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.”

There are two I’s that influences the Apostle Paul. It is his spirit and his body. But these two I’s are both him. Paul is showing us here that he is not only a spirit but also a body. Before the fall of man, the one that has a strong influence to his soul is his spirit but after the fall, his spirit deadened and his body has complete control of his soul.

This is how a spirit became human. You are not only a spirit but your body is also you. Your personality (soul) is affected by these two.

This is the same with the Word becoming human. When the Word became human, He is not only a Spirit anymore, He is also His body. The personality of our Lord Jesus Christ is not only affected by His Spirit alone, but also by His body. Although His spirit has a stronger influence in Him.

This is also the reason why even though the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is the Word Himself who has no separate mind, will and emotion from the Great Eternal Spirit, we can read this statement of the Lord in Luke 22:42:

“Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.”

Remember that the Lord Jesus here is never separated from His Father, the Great Eternal Spirit. He has no separate Spirit from the Great Eternal Spirit unlike today’s erroneous interpretation of many. His Spirit is the Word Himself Who is never separated from the Great Eternal Spirit. So what does He mean when He says “Not my will?” The Lord Jesus Christ here is actually referring to His flesh which also influences His will.

Because He is already a human being, it is only natural for the Lord to protect His body from crucifixion. Anyone Who is a human has the will to preserve His body from destruction, hunger or any physical danger that threatens the body. This will is not present when the Word is still a spirit. The will of His Spirit (which is also the will of the Great Eternal Spirit) is for our Lord to be a sacrifice for many. But after He became flesh, the will of His body would not allow Him to suffer death.

Can you imagine now the great struggle of our Lord when He became human? Can you imagine now why He is in great agony while praying in the Garden of Gethsemane? That great battle of Spirit and body in Him is the reason that caused Him to sweat blood.

Luke 22:44 “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.”

He is actually praying for His spirit’s will to win against the will of His flesh. Because during that time, He is thinking about you and me. He needs to pray for the Spirit of God to win in Him so that He can save us. This is how you become human. Your body is also you.


2. The Word became a Son of the Great Eternal Spirit

When a Spirit became flesh (human), he/she automatically became a son or a daughter. A spirit without a physical body cannot be called a son or a daughter. This is why the Angels (ministering spirits), are never called sons or daughters of God in the Bible. You cannot find a single verse in the Bible where angels are called sons or daughters of God. Why is this? Because being a spirit, YOU ARE BOTH MALE AND FEMALE (Gen. 1:27). You cannot be called son or daughter.

Another thing, a Father-Son relationship indicates the ability to reproduce. A spirit cannot reproduce. We are called sons and daughters of God because we are humans whose role in reproduction is biologically identified by our sex organs when we were born in this world. If you are a spirit, you cannot be identified as either a son or a daughter.

When the Word became flesh, He automatically became a Son of God and a Son of Man because He is male. He is the Son of God because His Spirit is made from God. He is the Son of Man because His body is made from Man (Adam).

At this point, the Word Who was called “Father” in the Old Testament because He is the image of the Great Eternal Spirit, is now called a Son because He became flesh. When the Word became a Son, it does not mean that He is now separated from the Great Eternal Spirit. No! If this is the case, then we have two Gods which is unbiblical. Again, there is not one time that the Word was separated from the Great Eternal Spirit. The Word is still part of the Great Eternal Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ is still the Word. Only that, at this time, the Word now is called a Son because He became Human.

This Word that became a Son is named the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why the Word is not an Eternal Son of God but a begotten Son of God because He only became a Son when He became flesh as written in Hebrews 5:5

“So also Christ glorified not himself to be made an high priest; but he that said unto him, Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee.

Because the Word now is called a Son, the Great Eternal Spirit is now called by the Word His Father. The Great Eternal Spirit became now the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word that became flesh. It is the Word that prays to the Great Eternal Spirit in the garden of Gethsemane that the will of the Great Eternal Spirit be done and not the will of His flesh (Luke 22:42-44). It is to the Great Eternal Spirit that the Lord Jesus Christ is praying to.

It is also the Great Eternal Spirit that spoke this in Luke 9:35 saying:

“And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.”


3. The Word became the Son of Man

For the Word to become the Son of Man (Adam), He needs to be born in the lineage of Adam in order to be a Kinsman Redeemer of the fallen Adamic race. His body should be a biological descendant of Adam. His body should be made from Adam. According to the Book of Ruth, a redeemer should be a Kinsman (biological relative) of the one He will redeem. For our Lord Jesus Christ to become our Kinsman Redeemer, He needs to be a BIOLOGICAL SON of Adam. If He is not a biological descendant of Adam and He is a new race of human, then he cannot be called the Son of Man (Adam).

Here are the Biblical proofs that our Lord Jesus Christ is the BIOLOGICAL Son of Adam

a. He is a descendant of Adam (Luke 3:23-38)

b. He is a descendant of Abraham (Mat. 1:1; Gal. 3:16)

c. He is a descendant of Jacob (Num. 24:17)

d. He is from the tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7:14, Rev. 5:5)

e. He is a Jew (John 4:22).

f. He is the descendant of Jesse, the father of David (Isa. 11:1-2)

g. He came from the loins of King David according to the flesh (Acts 2:30, Rom. 1:3)

h. He is the offspring of King David that came out from King David’s own body (2 Sam. 7:12-13)

i. He is a descendant of David (John 7:42, 2 Tim. 2:8)

j. He is the Heir of the throne of David (Luke 1:32)

k. He is made of a woman and the fruit of Mary’s womb (Gal. 4:4, Luke 1:42)

It was even emphasized in these three verses that our Lord Jesus Christ is the FRUIT OF THE LOINS OF DAVID ACCORDING TO THE FLESH:

Acts 2:30 “Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the FRUIT OF HIS LOINS, ACCORDING TO THE FLESH, he would raise up Christ to sit on his throne”

Rom. 1:3 “Concerning His son Jesus Christ Our Lord, WHICH WAS MADE OF THE SEED OF DAVID ACCORDING TO THE FLESH

2 Cor. 5:16 “Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ is made from the flesh of King David himself. In order to do this, the Word overshadowed the egg cell of Mary (Luke 1:35) who is a direct descendant of King David. The body of our Lord Jesus was made from her egg cell that’s why He became the biological son of Adam and King David.

You may ask: If Mary’s egg cell was used in the conception of Jesus Christ, then our Lord could not be perfect because He would inherit the sin of Mary through her egg cell.

This is actually the main reason why many believe that Mary is just a surrogate mother of Jesus and that her egg cell was not used to create the body of our Lord. They believe that the sin in the egg cell will be inherited. But this is not what the Bible is telling us.

When the Holy Spirit (Word) came to Mary and the Power of the Highest (Word) overshadowed her egg cell, it extinguishes the darkness (serpent’s venom) on it so that it gives forth life. That is actually the power of the Word. It eradicates sin. What our Lord God did was introduce His creative power (Word) upon the egg cell of Mary and restore it to its original condition just like the condition of the egg cell of Eve before the fall. This condition has the life-giving power of the Tree of Life. It can produce a sinless offspring when fertilized by the Word. It was in this restored egg cell that the Body of our Lord Jesus Christ was made – a totally sinless body just like the first Adam.

To know more about how did the Word used the egg cell of Mary to create His body, please read the article entitled: WHY OUR LORD JESUS IS MADE FROM THE EGG CELL OF MARY.

The belief that the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was created from nothing, is actually not possible. It will contradict every fundamental truth in the Bible especially the law that the Redeemer should be our Kinsman. It will also contradict Genesis 2:1 that says:

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

This verse is telling us that Heaven and Earth are already complete (finished). This means that if God will create something that is physical, the raw materials to create that something is already present on Earth, for Earth is already finished. HE WILL NOT ADD OR SUBTRACT ANYTHING FROM IT. He will use things from Earth as raw materials to create. He will not create anything out of nothing because Earth is already complete. If He creates something out of nothing, then He is adding something to Earth. If He does not use a material coming from Earth, then this means that Earth is not yet finished. This will not only contradict Genesis 2:1, it will also contradict Genesis 2:3-4 which is the very reason why God rested on the seventh day. And God can never contradict His Word. That’s why creating something out of nothing is something that God can never do after Genesis 2:1.

This is the reason why there is not a time in the Bible that you can read that God created something out of nothing after Genesis 2:1. Whenever God creates something, He will always use something from Earth as His raw material.

When God created Eve, He used Adam as raw material, not out of nothing. When God wanted to create a serpent, He needs the rod of Moses (Exo. 4:2-3). When God created manna for Israel, He uses the dew of the morning (Exo. 16:14-35) which is the reason why manna should not be kept until the morning of the next day. When God wanted to give a widowed woman a barrel of meal and a cruse of oil that will never be gone out of meal and oil until rain will come to Israel, He uses the remaining meal and oil in that woman’s house, not out of nothing (1 Kings 17:14-16). When God wanted to multiply the oil of the poor widow who came to Elisha for help, He uses the remaining pot of oil to fill out many other empty pots so that the poor widow can pay her creditors (2 Kings 4:2-7). All of these did not came from nothing.

The same thing happened during the days of our Lord Jesus Christ. On His first miracle that He performed at the wedding in Cana, He needs water as raw material to create wine (John 2:1-11). In order to feed the five thousand, He needs five loaves of bread and two fishes from a little boy (Mat. 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-14). Even Satan knows this. When he tried to tempt our Lord to create bread to ease His hunger, Satan offered Him stone to use as raw material to create bread:

Matt. 4:3 “And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.”

Again, there is NOT a time in the Bible after Genesis 2:1 that God created something out of nothing. If He does, He will contradict His Word in Genesis 2:1-4 that of course, that can never happen. It is therefore foolishness and unbiblical to believe that God created the body of our Lord Jesus Christ from nothing. Something on Earth was used to create it. So what do you think is the raw material that God used to create the body of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Another thing, if the body of our Lord Jesus Christ was created from nothing, then whose Son is He? Why is the Bible calling Him the Son of Man (Adam) if He did not came from Adam? If Adam is not His biological father?

4. The Spirit and the Body Grows

Again, the Word becoming flesh is not a one-time event. It is a process. The Spirit became flesh did not just occur during the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan in contradiction to what most ministers are teaching us today. 

Our spirit just like our body, also grows. If you wanted your body to grow, you need to eat physical foods. If you wanted your spirit to grow, you need to eat spiritual foods. Whichever among these two has a greater influence on our soul, depends on which among them is stronger. The one you feed most often will of course, become stronger than the other.

The spirits of all the children of God all came from the Word. Our spirits are made from the Word that’s why we are called children of God. Our spirit first enters our physical body the moment that we first breathe the breath of life during our birth. But our spirit during that time is a deadened spirit which is caused by the fall of man when Adam’s spirit was cut off from God. Because we carry this sinful nature in us, our spirit is dead and cannot influence our soul. The only thing that can influence our soul is our body. The Bible called this state the “Natural Man” (1 Cor. 2:14). We have the Word as our spirit but it is dead because it was cut off from the main Source as a result of the Original Sin.

This is the reason why the Lord Jesus Christ told us that we need to be born again (John 3:3). The moment we are born again by hearing (eating) the Word of God, we again receive another part of our spirit that is coming from the Word. This another part of our spirit which is the Spirit of God (Word) is the One that quickens our dead spirit to be alive (Eph. 2:1). The day that we are born again, is also the day that our spirit can start to influence our soul.

But our spirit during this time is still a “baby” since it is newly born. It has only a minimal influence on our soul. We need to feed it by the Word in order for it to grow and to be strong. Since it is made of the Word, we need also to feed it with the Word (Matt 4:4). Every time we eat the Word, that is also the time that we receive our spirit (the spirit of God). When the fulness of Christ (Word) dwelt in us (Eph. 4:13), that is the time that our spirit is fully matured also. We will achieve this fulness of the Word during our Rapture. 

This same process is also the process of the Word becoming flesh. 

The moment that our Lord Jesus Christ was born in this world, that is also the moment that He received His Spirit which is the Word. But unlike us, our Lord Jesus Christ did not inherit the Original Sin. His body is free from this sin, that’s why unlike us, He doesn’t need to be born again because His Spirit is already alive when He was born. Unlike us who are born with a dead spirit, the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t need to be quickened (Eph. 2:1).

According to Luke 1:80 and Luke 2:40:

And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him.”

This means that the Spirit (Word), was gradually indwelling in our Lord Jesus as he grows. For there is no other way that a person can grow in the spirit except that He is gradually receiving the Spirit (Word). That’s why the “Word made flesh” is not a one-time event in the river Jordan. It started from the day that our Lord was born and culminated during His baptism in the river Jordan (Matt. 3:13-17). That’s when the full Word dwells in Him.

To those who believe that the Spirit of God only started to dwell in the Lord during His baptism in the river Jordan, should also explain as to whose Spirit is in the Lord Jesus before his baptism. If the Spirit of God only started to dwell in Him during His baptism, then whose Spirit is growing in Him? They should also explain how did the Spirit of the Lord grow in Luke 2:40 if He is not indwelt and He is not receiving the Word during that time. You see? There is no other way for a Spirit to grow except He is gradually indwelt by the Word.


5. The Fulness of the Godhead dwelt in Him

Colossians 2:9 “For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.”

Some people think that the statement “in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily” means that all of the Great Eternal Spirit left eternity to fully dwell to our Lord Jesus Christ. They also think that all quantity of the Word also dwells in our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth is, this can never happen. Remember that the Word is the One who composed everything (Col. 1:16). Heaven is made of the Word, our universe is also made of the Word (Heb. 11:3). Same with the angels, animals, humans, etc. – all of these are made up of the Word. If you say that all quantity of the Word dwells in our Lord Jesus Christ, then there should be no more creations left after all of the Word dwells in Him. If you say that all of the Great Eternal Spirit left eternity to dwell in Christ, then there should be no more eternity anymore.

But what does it really mean when the Bible says “in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily?”

It actually means that all of being God dwelt in our Lord Jesus Christ. Godhead (or Godhood) means “the state or the essence of being God.” So if the fulness of the Godhead dwells in our Lord, it means that all the attributes, qualities and characteristics of God are in our Lord Jesus Christ. In other words, if God is a Creator, then our Lord Jesus Christ is also a Creator. If God is a Savior, then our Lord Jesus Christ is also a Savior. If God is Life, then our Lord Jesus Christ is also Life and so on. This is what it means to be indwelt by the fulness of the Godhead. It doesn’t mean that all quantities of the Great Eternal Spirit are in our Lord.

Just like our Lord Jesus, we are also indwelt by God (Acts 2:3-4). But unlike our Lord, the fullness of the Godhead does not dwell in us. We are not a Creator. We are not a Savior. We are not the giver of Life. These are all the attributes of God that can only be seen in our Lord Jesus Christ alone to whom the fullness of the Godhead is dwelling.



The Lord Jesus Christ is the Word that became flesh. He is not just a physical body of the Word, instead, He is the Word that became flesh. This is the reason why all the attributes of the Word are also in Him. Below is the summary of the attributes of our Lord Jesus Christ:

1. Because the Word is our Savior (Isa. 43:11), our Lord Jesus Christ is also Savior (1 John 4:14, 1 John 2:2).

2. Because the Word is part of the Great Eternal Spirit, our Lord Jesus Christ is also part of the Great Eternal Spirit, this is why we can read in John 1:18:

“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.”

3. Because the Word is God (John 1:1), our Lord Jesus Christ is also God (John 20:28, Titus 2:13, Heb. 1:8)

4. Because the Word is a Creator (John 1:2), our Lord Jesus Christ is also a Creator (Eph. 3:9)

5. Because the Word is the image of the Great Eternal Spirit (Heb 1:3), our Lord Jesus Christ is also the image of the Great Eternal Spirit (Col. 1:15)

6. Because the Word is a Mediator between man and God, our Lord Jesus Christ is also a mediator between man and God (John 14:6)

7. Because the Word is the Alpha and the Omega (Isa. 44:6), our Lord Jesus Christ is also the Alpha and the Omega (Rev. 1:8, 21:6, 22:13, 22:14)

8. Because the Word is the Light and Life (John 1:4-5), our Lord Jesus Christ is also the Light and Life (John 8:12, John 11:25)

9. Because the Word is the Truth (John 14:17), our Lord Jesus Christ is also the Truth (John 14:6)

10. Because the Word is the Spirit of God Who is our Comforter (John 14:16), our Lord Jesus Christ is also our Comforter (John 14:18)

There are still many attributes of our Lord Jesus that I want to list down here but the space on this article will not allow. The whole point is: The God of the Old Testament is the Lord Jesus Christ of the New. The Word that is called the “I AM,” “Elohim,” “Yahweh” and “Jehovah” in the Old Testament is the Lord Jesus Christ of the New Testament.



This is the Godhead.

That the Great Eternal Spirit started everything through His Word. And by His Word, He revealed Himself. His Word did not remain a Spirit forever but was manifested in flesh and dwelt among us (1 Tim. 3:16, John 1:14). And this Word that became flesh is no other than our LORD JESUS CHRIST. He is the God of the Old and the New Testament. The only Creator and the only Savior of humanity.

He is the image of the Great Eternal Spirit. No man can see the Great Eternal Spirit at any time (1 Tim. 6:16) because the image of the Great Eternal Spirit that can be seen by men is already our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who have seen our Lord, have already seen the Great Eternal Spirit (John 14:9). Those who think that they can see the Great Eternal Spirit in heaven one day aside from our Lord Jesus Christ, will be put in great disappointment because this can never happen. If this can happen, then we have two Gods.

When we go to heaven someday, we cannot find three thrones or two thrones there. ONLY ONE THRONE (Rev. 4:2). And the one sitting on that throne is no other than our Lord Jesus Christ (Rev. 7:15, Rev. 4:3).

The Lord Jesus Christ is the visible part of the Great Eternal Spirit Himself. We have known that the Great Eternal Spirit is a loving and a compassionate God because our Lord Jesus Christ who is His image is the same. We have known that the Great Eternal Spirit is for us because our Lord Jesus Christ is also for us. We have known that Great Eternal Spirit loves us because our Lord Jesus Christ loves us.

Therefore, if there is Someone whom we should worship, if there is Someone whom we should pray to, if there is Someone whom we should call our God, it is no other than our Lord Jesus Christ. For He is all that is God to us. He is never separated from the Great Eternal Spirit that’s why He is our one and ONLY God. He is the Great Eternal Spirit that is revealed to us. If you are praying to Him, then you are praying to the Great Eternal Spirit (John 14:6).

One day, this non-eternity will be swallowed by eternity, that is the time that the Great Eternal Spirit will be all in all (1 Cor. 15:28)! Praised be the name of the Lord!


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