July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


The Protection of the Lord

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Psa. 36:7 “How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.”

The imagery of the child being protected in the wings of the Lord is important to remember and hold onto. What kind of good Father doesn’t protect his child? The Lord does allow some difficult things in our lives for our own good, but His protection is still over us and He will not allow that which is outside of His will to happen to us.

This applies to all children of God. The thought that one day we will be caught up meant to bring HOPE. It is called ‘the blessed hope’ (Tit 2:13). We are to comfort one another with the words of the rapture and what is to come (1 Thes 4:18). The believer’s future is amazing! So if life is difficult, take heart in the goodness and care of God in this life and the plan of God for the next. Yes, in this life we will have trouble, the Lord Jesus said so. But because He won, so do we (Joh 16:33)!


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