July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Always Follow the Lord’s Leading

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If you will read the whole chapter of Exodus 31, you will see that during the construction of His Tabernacle, it was the Lord Himself Who gave the skills, ability, knowledge and wisdom to the carpenters and craftsmen. This is to ensure that the specifications are according to His plan. He did this by giving first His Spirit to them (Exo. 31:3). By doing this, it is not actually the carpenters and the craftsmen who are doing the job, but the Lord Himself through them.

The Church today is the Tabernacle of God (Rev. 21:3). We are the Temple of God (Eph. 2:19-22). The Lord is building His Church today and we are called to be used by Him. He is the One Who gave us the wisdom, the skills and the ability for His plan to be fulfilled. Don’t ever think that it is your own ability. We must make sure therefore that we are working according to the leading of His Spirit, not according to our own specifications. Always follow the Lord’s leading. This is the only way that the Church can be perfected according to the plan of the Lord.


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