February 10, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


But how Soon is Soon?

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Rev. 22:20 “He who is the faithful witness to all these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!”

In this verse, the last words of the Lord Jesus that He promised the apostle John (and us) is that, He is coming soon. But how “soon” is this soon? It has been about 2000 years since this promised was given by our Lord to the apostle John recorded in the book of Revelation. But until now, we are still waiting for our Rapture, He did not yet come. So how soon is soon?

This is also the reason why many ministers today have been tempted to calculated this “soon” coming of the Lord when the Bible itself makes it clear that no one can know the time and season of His coming (Acts 1:7). And let’s face the truth, 2000 years of waiting is definitely not soon! The Bible Knowledge Commentary have a good explaining about what the Greek word for the word “soon” means:

The word “soon” (en tachei; cf. Rev_2:16; Rev_22:7, Rev_22:12, Rev_22:20) means that the action will be sudden when it comes, not necessarily that it will occur immediately. Once the end-time events begin, they will occur in rapid succession (cf. Luk_18:8; Act_12:7; Act_22:18; Act_25:4; Rom_16:20).

So the word “soon” here does not necessarily mean “a short time” but when it comes, everything will happen immediately.


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