October 8, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


David Encouraged Himself in the LORD his God

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1 Sam. 30:6 “And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.”

Here, David and his men were greatly distressed because their wives and children were taken captives. They are blaming David and they wanted to stone him. BUT DAVID ENCOURAGED HIMSELF IN THE LORD HIS GOD! What’s the difference between David and his men? It is how he reacted in the situation!

We don’t have a complete control over the events that are happening in our lives. We can’t really choose the quality of character that controls other people around us. We can’t also choose the family that we are born into. BUT WE CAN DEFINITELY CHOOSE HOW TO REACT ON THE EVENTS AND THE PEOPLE THAT COME AGAINST US. What’s the difference between David and his men? It is how he reacted in the situation! All of them was in distressed, but it was only David who encouraged himself in the Lord His God. Circumstances do not make the man, they REVEAL him! Fire does not make gold, they reveal gold. How you react in times of trouble reveals what has always been in your heart!


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