February 10, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


God is in the Business of Setting up People

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Jos. 2:1 “Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over the land,” he said, “especially Jericho.” So they went and entered the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there.”

Here you have two Israelites who have been told to spy out the land and the next thing we read is that they went and stayed in the strangest of all places – the home of a prostitute! Why would the spies go to the house of a harlot? Odd place for a God-fearing Israelite to be don’t you think? If that was the end of the story you’d be left thinking ‘hmmm’! But I see the hand of God ordering this. It isn’t luck or chance and it certainly isn’t sinful intentions on the part of the two spies. It is the providence and working of God. God is in the business of setting up ‘meetings’. In the book of Ruth, this poor gentile woman called Ruth was trying to glean from what the harvesters had left behind and it says ‘she happened to come to the field belonging to Boaz.’ Oh that didn’t just ‘happen’ anymore than it just ‘happened’ that the spies in Jericho ended up staying the night at Rahab’s. It’s God!

Maybe you can look back and see how God arranged people and situations in your salvation? The Great Shepherd came to both seek and save those that were lost and He hasn’t stopped doing this work! And how great it is when we are used in such God-ordained meetings! This is something that we should pray about a lot more.


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