Rev 3:11 “I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown.”
The NIV uses “soon” here but most other translations use “quickly” which is better. The Greek word has the thought of an event happening suddenly. When Jesus returns for His bride, it will be sudden. So like a Jewish bride waiting and ready for her groom, we should be found watching and holding fast to what we have. Here it is a word of hope and rejoicing! Our salvation is close!
We must not compromise or give in to the call of the flesh and the world. In doing so we will keep the rewards that the Lord Jesus promises those that are His at His return. This is not a verse about salvation. Our salvation is eternal and secure. But our rewards as believers are based on our life and deeds as Christians (Rev 22:12, 2 Jn 1:8).
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