Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
Having spent eight chapters speaking about the work of God and the salvation that is ours in Christ, Paul now asks the important question “If God is for us, who can be against us?” God has given us His Son, Paul says. His next question is: Will He not also give us all things? The answer is yes He will! If God can give His only begotten Son, how much more are all things! That thought alone is immeasurable! We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing “in Christ Jesus”. The complete experience of this waits for the time when we come into our inheritance as the sons of God. All of creation is waiting and longing for that time!
Another great question that Paul asked is “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” The past can’t do it. The future can’t do it. Neither death nor life can do it. Nor can any power attempt to do it. No… nothing can separate the child of God from the grace and love of Jesus Christ! Wow! Indeed, thank you Lord!
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