January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


One Scientific Proof that there is a Creator

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One reason why I don’t believe that life was just a product of the universe “adjusting” itself in order to create life, is the presence of universal constants. Constants like the Speed of Light, Gravitational Constant, Plank Constant and many more, are the ones that prevent the universe from “adjusting” itself. The universe cannot adjust these constants. They cannot be changed (that’s why they are called “constants”) they are the same no matter where you are in the universe. And these constants are just in the right “amount” needed in order to sustain life. Any less or more than these amounts, the universe will become a massive black hole.

Scientists called these condition as the “Fine-Tuned Universe.” It is just like tuning a guitar in order for its strings to create a perfect harmony of sounds. A guitar cannot tune itself. It needs someone to tune it. We live in a universe, especially on our planet, where everything is just right in order for life to exist. The conditions in our planet like the force of gravity, the oxygen/nitrogen ratio, the distance and size of the moon, the force of electromagnetic fields, and the location and age of the sun; all told us that this is not a product of nature adjusting itself. As the theoretical physicist John Polkinghorne has stated:

“Anthropic fine tuning is too remarkable to be dismissed as just a happy accident.”


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