January 13, 2025

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The Bible lays out key events that will occur at the culmination of the Millennial Kingdom—the 1,000-year reign of Christ. This period, often referred to as the “Age of Regeneration,” is marked by the ultimate restoration and reign of Christ on Earth, leading to the final events where God’s plan for humanity reaches its fulfillment. We will delve into crucial elements of this time, focusing on the 1st and 2nd resurrections, Satan’s role in these final days, the meaning of salvation, and the climactic Battle of Gog and Magog.

What Are the First and Second Resurrections?

The concept of resurrection is a cornerstone in Christian eschatology. The Greek word used for resurrection is “anastasis,” which translates to “rising up” or “standing again.” The Bible outlines two primary types of resurrection: one leading to life, and another leading to eternal judgment.

In John 5:28-29 and Daniel 12:2, these two resurrections are described:

1. Resurrection of Life: This is the first resurrection, where the righteous are raised to reign with Christ.

2. Resurrection of Damnation: This is the second resurrection, leading to eternal judgment for the unrighteous.

The First Resurrection (Resurrection of Life)

The first resurrection is essential because it allows the righteous to inherit the Millennial Kingdom of God, as seen in Matthew 25:34, where Jesus speaks of a kingdom prepared for those chosen by God. The first resurrection happens in three phases:

1. During The Lord Jesus’ Resurrection (Matthew 27:51-53): At the Lord Jesus’ resurrection, the graves of many saints opened, and they were raised to life.

2. The Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18): The Church (composed of those who have died and are still alive) is caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

3. After the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 20:6): Those who died as martyrs for their faith in Christ are resurrected.

    The participants of the first resurrection are deemed blessed because the second death—which is eternal separation from God—has no power over them. They will live and reign with Christ during the Millennium and into Eternity.

    The Second Resurrection (Resurrection of Damnation)

    The second resurrection occurs after the 1,000-year reign of Christ and is described in Revelation 20:13. It is referred to as the Resurrection of Damnation because it is the resurrection of the unrighteous people in order to face their judgement according to their works. Since no work of man can meet God’s standard of righteousness (Isaiah 64:6), all who are part of this resurrection are damned to eternal separation from God. They will be thrown to the Lake of Fire.

    As Revelation 20:6 tells us, those who are part of the first resurrection are spared the second death, but those in the second resurrection face eternal judgment.

    Why Can’t Satan and the Fallen Angels Be Saved?

    Satan and the fallen angels cannot be saved for one crucial reason: there is no truth in them. John 8:44 explains that Satan, from the beginning, was a murderer and a liar and there is no truth in Him, his demons and his children. Salvation, which comes from the word “salvage,” implies that something can be salvage or redeemed. In the case of Satan and his angels, there is nothing to be salvaged—there is no truth in them that can be savage.

    The value of a person or being is closely tied to the truth they possess. God Himself invests everything in His creation to save that which contains the truth. However, Satan and his fallen angels, having rejected God’s truth entirely, are beyond redemption.

    What Is Salvation?

    Salvation is the act of being saved from sin and its consequences, which is eternal separation from God. It is not based on works, as Ephesians 2:8-9 clearly teaches, but on faith in Jesus Christ. Revelation 14:12 and Galatians 3:22 both point out that salvation is attained through the faith of Christ, not through any merit of our own.

    Salvation is an act of God’s grace, where believers are brought into His kingdom through faith, not works. The saints, who are part of the first resurrection, have accepted this gift and therefore escape the second death.

    What Is the Battle of Gog and Magog?

    The Battle of Gog and Magog marks the final rebellion against God at the end of the Millennium. After the 1,000 years, Satan is released for a short time (Revelation 20:7), and despite the peaceful reign of Christ during the Millennium, Satan will still deceive many. These people who will be deceived are referred to as “goats” who follow Satan in his final rebellion.

    Gog and Magog represent the forces of evil in this ultimate battle. Gog symbolizes a proud, rebellious leader, and Magog refers to the multitude of nations that follow him in opposition to God. Though Ezekiel 38-39 also speaks of Gog and Magog, this final battle is distinct. The numbers of those deceived by Satan in this rebellion are said to be “as the sand of the sea,” emphasizing the widespread nature of the deception.

    The fire from Heaven will consume these rebellious forces (Revelation 20:9), and Satan, who orchestrated the rebellion, will finally be cast into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10), where he will be tormented.

    The Importance of Truth in the Final Judgment

    In the final judgment, the truth we possess will determine our eternal destiny. Truth sanctifies believers and prepares them for the Rapture (John 17:17), while the absence of truth leads to judgment. Those who are deceived during the final rebellion, despite witnessing Christ’s reign on Earth, are drawn away from the truth and follow Satan to their destruction.

    The Final Battle and the End of Satan’s Reign

    The final battle sees Satan leading the “goats” in one last attempt to overthrow God’s rule, but they are swiftly defeated by God’s consuming fire. This battle signifies the end of all rebellion and the full establishment of God’s eternal kingdom.

    After this, sin will be eradicated completely. Satan, along with the false prophet and the beast, will be thrown into the lake of fire, which was prepared for them from the beginning (Matthew 25:41). It is crucial to note that “forever and ever” in the Greek means “for an age” or a finite period, signifying that there is a designation period of time for Satan’s punishment.

    Conclusion: The Victory of God’s Kingdom

    The final events of the 1,000-year reign show us that God’s victory is inevitable. The righteous, through the first resurrection, are raised to eternal life, while the unrighteous face eternal separation from God. Satan, the ultimate deceiver, is finally defeated and cast into the lake of fire, bringing an end to all sin and rebellion. This period underscores the importance of truth and the necessity of aligning oneself with God’s will. As believers, we must invest in the truth, for it is the most valuable treasure we can possess. When the final judgment comes, it is the truth within us that will determine our fate—whether we reign with Christ or face eternal separation.


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