January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


The God of Second Chance… and Many Chances

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Our God is a God of second chances… and third and fourth and many chances! Here, after rejecting the Lord’s command to go to Nineveh, the prophet Jonah was given by the Lord a second chance to do His will. What an awesome merciful and gracious God we serve!

Apart from the prophet Jonah, there are numerous individuals in the Bible who were granted multiple chances. Abraham, despite attempting to fulfill the promise of having a son through his own means with Hagar, experienced God’s faithfulness. Moses, thinking he had irreversibly erred, retreated to a life as a shepherd in Midian, only to discover that God still had a purpose for him. Despite Samson’s repeated failures, even in death, God remained faithful, restoring his strength one last time. The stories of David, Peter, and the woman caught in adultery also exemplify individuals who encountered God as the giver of second and multiple chances.


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