January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


The Hidden Treasures

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Mat. 13:44 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.”

Truth is like a treasure – more like a gold. Through time, It has been covered by dirt, filth and rocks of human traditions, false doctrines and dogmas. You need to dig It to uncover It. Like gold, you need to purify It through fire to separate the rocks and the filths that clings to It. You will not have It in Its purest form if you will not deal with the issues surrounding It.

The Truth of God is like this. In order to possess It, you must give time to It. You must read the source of It which is the Bible in order to uncover It. You must deal with the false doctrines, dogmas and human traditions that cling to It in order to have It in Its purest form. It is never a good idea leaving It as is and not dealing with the issues surrounding It. You will not have Its purest form by not dealing with them. This is why Truth is always magnified in questionings, scrutiny, conflicting beliefs and disagreements. It can only be purified through the fiery trials of dealing with the rocks and filth of issues surrounding It.

We are from the Truth. Just like gold, we need to stand the fiery test to be purified. What’s beautiful about the Truth is, the more It is scrutinized, the more It stands out. So accept the trials of scrutiny. It will make you stand out. Don’t just be stagnant on the traditions of men that keep you away from being purified. Those who want to possess these treasures, must be willing to suffer in the process. Only those who have suffer acquiring Truth, are also the ones who loves and appreciates It more.


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