February 10, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


The One Who Calls the Stars by Name

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God is the One who not only created all the stars but also calls them by name! All of them. Amazing. Not only that but they are all kept by His power.

Now, I’m not sure about you, but I have issues with remembering names! And I don’t have to remember all that many! Do you know how many stars there are? Let’s not complicate issues by moving out of our galaxy but in our Milky Way galaxy alone there are 200-400 billion (with only around 8000 visible to the naked eye.) Alright, let’s complicate the issue by now saying that there are up to 500 billion galaxies (apparently!). So do the maths and you’ll come to the conclusion that there are, argh, um, carry the one, um, well, that’s obviously oodles of stars. And God knows them all by name. Beat that!

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