December 4, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


The Potter’s Plan

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The Lord said to Jeremiah, go down and have a look at the potter and observe what you see. And what did Jeremiah see? Basically, he saw three things: he saw a potter, a potter’s wheel and a clay. Now, the Potter represents God. And that shapeless, sticky, blobby, smelly lump of clay – well that’s you. Yeah ok, that’s me also. And as Jeremiah watched what the potter did, what do you think he would have noticed?

First of all, he would have noted that the potter was in total control. That He could make whatever He liked, do whatever He liked. Secondly, he also would have noticed that the potter had a plan and a purpose in what He was doing. He knew right from the start what He was making even if those looking on had no idea. And this is where we are challenged in our lives. Do we trust the potter? Do we understand that He has a plan and a purpose even if we cannot see what He is actually doing and moulding in our lives? I hope we are mouldable in the plan of our Lord.


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