January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


The Two Gatherings of Jews in Israel

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I was recently asked about my article entitled “The Two Regatherings for the Jews in Israel” of which I have emphasized that the gathering of the Jews today back to Israel is a fulfillment of a Bible prophecy. The question is this: “If the modern day state of Israel is a fulfilment of Bible prophecy, why is it that there has been no peace there?” Behind his question is the assumption that if God is behind this re-gathering of Israel then there should also be His blessing and peace. I pointed out to him that the prophets who spoke of the re-gathering of Israel back into the land also spoke of them coming back in unbelief and also of the difficulty that would then come upon that nation (before their eventual salvation and the return of the Lord to riegn in Israel). Their re-gathering is for eventual blessing but there is the time of Jacob’s trouble before that.

Here is an example:

This prophecy of Jeremiah is two-fold:

1. The Time of Jacob’s distress or the sound of terror

2. The restoration of the fortunes of Israel.


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