Phi. 3:10 “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.”
When we know a person thoroughly well, we cannot help but trust that person. No effort of distrust is present when we perfectly know the person. And since our trust is directly proportional to our knowledge to that person, this only means that the more we know that person, the more we trust him/her.
The same with our Lord. If only we know Him well, there is no reason for us to trust our will. The more we know His Word, the more we know Him. The more we know Him, the more we will trust in His will to be done in our lives over our own will. And we will not only be willing for His will to be done in our lives but we will actually desire for it. It will become our greatest happiness for Him to arrange everything for us.
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