Isaiah 56:10 “Israel’s watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark; they lie around and dream, they love to sleep.”
I have a dog named Daichi. He is really a good “Watch Dog.” Whenever he sees an unfamiliar person coming to our gate, he would sound the bark alarm. And it didn’t take long before other dogs in the neighborhood heard the alarm and added their voice to the chorus. If you are a person coming to our gate with bad intentions, it would be not long before you start feeling like you will not do what you intend to do!
Being the light of this world like a watchtower, we are all watchmen of the Spiritual Israel (Church). The job of the watchmen is really just two-fold: first, to see the enemy and second, to alert the people of the coming danger. In the verse above, when Israel’s watchmen saw the enemy coming, and they saw things that led people away from God what they did is, well, they did nothing and say nothing. They are mute dogs that cannot bark. Why? Because they their own agenda to benefit them. A mute dog is a burglars dream dog! A true watchman will always warn. He will always bark when he sees something not right. Just like my dog Daichi!
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