February 10, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


This I know, that God is for Me

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Psa. 56:9 “Then my enemies will turn back in the day when I call; This I know, that God is for me.”

In the midst of doubt, in the midst of uncertainty, David knows one very sure thing. That is: “This I know, that God is for me!” There would have been a thousand and one things that David didn’t know. If you had asked him how he would get out of his present troubles, he would have replied, “I do not know.” If you had asked him how or when he would become king, he would have replied “I do not know.” “But this I do know”, David would have added, “I know that God is for me, and if God is for me, then He will make a way and that is all I need to know!”

Just like David, do you also know that God is for you? Because for every child of God, this is the truth whether you feel it or not! Sometimes we doubt, like David, because of things happening through outward circumstances in our lives. Sometimes it is because of what is going on inwardly. “How could God still be for me with those thoughts and desires lurking within?” we ask. But our rest is in a totally different place. It can’t be found through looking at your circumstances. It can’t be found while looking at yourself. As Corrie Ten Boom once said: “Look at the world and you’ll be distressed. Look within and you’ll be depressed. But look at Christ and you’ll be at rest.” And that is so true!


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