January 19, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


We are Designed to be Indwelt by God

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1 Cor. 6:19 “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?”

We are designed to be indwelt by God. Man was engineered by God that the presence of the Creator within the creature is indispensable to his humanity. No matter what you do, you will long for the Lord. There is an empty space in each of us that no matter what we do, can only be filled by God alone.

Christ gave Himself for us to give Himself to us! His presence puts God back into the man! He came that we might have life – God’s life! There are those who have a life they never live. They have come to Christ and thanked Him only for what He did, but they do not let Christ live in them. They do not let Christ posses them. They are lamps without oil, cars without gas, and pens without ink, baffled at their own impotence in the absence of Christ in them Who is the only One that can make them functional. I hope we will let our Lord take control of our lives.


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