Rom. 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, to offer yourselves to God as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, which is your spiritual service of worship.”
What is the offering that God wanted from us today? He wants us to offer our whole being to be a living sacrifice for Him. But what do we do? We offer him our own abilities and strengths. This is why we are spiritually burned out. We consecrate ourselves and re-surrender time and time again but it only amounts to offering up the old man because we have forgotten one very important principle. That is, to let Him work in us and not us who work for Him. This is the one lacking in our service to our Lord.
The offering that God accepts is the one where we recognized that we died with Christ and have no strength in ourselves, we offer to God our whole being so that He can live in it and use it to do His will. This is what a living sacrifice is. We are not of ourselves anymore. For Christ has bought us with His own blood.
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