Phil. 2:12 “… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”
The Bible never told us to “work for” our salvation. It told us to “work out” our salvation. No work of us can save us. We were saved by grace through faith which is a gift of God (Eph.2:8-9). So “work out your salvation” means that our Lord had already saved us but we need to “work out” that salvation we have received by allowing that which has happened within us, be manifested outwardly to us.
The Holy Spirit indwells each born-again believer and His nature expresses itself in love, joy, peace, faithfulness, forgiveness, etc. Those are the characteristics of Him who lives within you. So you need to allow your life to openly manifest these things. Work out what He works in! Hopefully, the grace, love, and acceptance God pours into our hearts make their way out for others!
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