Rev. 21:5 “And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.”
Do you like getting new things? A pair of new shoes? A new car? Well, it is God Who truly makes all things new. Believers have been given a new spirit and a new heart. We have a new family both in heaven and on Earth. It is made up of new brothers and sisters, and a heavenly Father! Next on the list is a new body, like unto our Lord Jesus’ resurrected body.
We can read even more new things in Revelation 21. There is a new Heaven and a new Earth that awaits us. And with them comes a whole new experience where there will be no tears, sadness, mourning, crying or pain. And let me say that nothing will get old with this new environment! There will be no boredom in the coming world. We will experience how our Lord is so incredible, too immense and too creative.
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