2 Pet. 1:12 “Therefore I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present with you.”
In this verse, Peter is saying that he will always be ready to remind the believers of the truth. If you will read the prior verses, you will know that the truth that Peter is referring to in this verse is that “to make your calling and election sure”. According to him, doing this will lead to an abundant entrance into the kingdom of our Lord. And this is why Peter is always willing to remind them, and remind them, and remind them again and again.
Why do you think believers need this constant reinforcement and reminding of the truth? Simply put, we have leaks! We forget. While you may know the truth and even if you have heard a preaching, you will still be bombarded with worldly philosophies everywhere you turn. The Bible said we don’t forget the Lord because we have bad memories. We forget the Lord because of the deceitfulness of wealth, prosperity and sin (Heb 3:12-13). That’s why being constantly reminded of the truth is critical! This is also the reason why I wrote articles which are mostly taken from my previous preaching. Because I myself forget what I preach and reading them from time to time is a great help to remind me of the truth once more.
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