January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Be Careful of False Humility

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Exo. 3:11 “And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?”

Here we can read that Moses is arguing with God, emphasizing that the Lord cannot use him because He is a nobody. With Moses’ eyes firmly upon himself, the Lord simply says “I will go with you! Isn’t that enough? Do you really need to know anymore?” Moses continue to reason out with many excuses up to Exo. 4:10 saying “Please Lord, I have never been this, and never been that, I don’t have what it takes! Send someone else.” At this point the Lords anger burns against Moses because his lowly opinion of himself was becoming his reason for disobedience to God!

Moses is known for his humility, but this is not humility! What Moses is doing here is actually a false humility! It is the other side of Pride where someone constantly downplays him or herself and focus on his/her weakness to the point where they do not think God can use them. Although this is downgrading one’s self and not self-exaltation, the focus is still on the self and not on God. This is still Pride only on a different form. Do not be deceived by this false humility.


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