October 8, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


Blessed One Year Anniversary!

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Today, marks the first-year anniversary of OUR DAILY DEVOTIONAL. We have started this last year on this day (August 2, 2022). If you have been following this page, you might have read one daily devotional posting here. And here are the statistics given by Facebook on our daily posting:

492,250 total unique reach – This is the total number of unique people being reached or have seen our postings for the last 1 year.

28,105 total unique engagements – This is the total number of unique reactions, comments, shares and clicks on our post.

Daily, the average reach of our posting is 955, 77 engagements and 31 reactions.

If we will total the overall reach and engagements without considering its uniqueness, it would be 1,348,575 reach and 132,891 engagements! We have reached over 1.3 million people already! Imagine that.

There is only one thing that these statistics are telling us: Social media platforms like Facebook are great mediums in spreading the Word of God. Your single post can reach many people all over the world. So used them to spread the Gospel.

For the finale, here is the most popular post that has garnered a whooping 128,423 reach, 6,700 engagements, 3,692 reactions 468 shares and 170 comments. It is titled “Seek the Lord while the Door is Still Open.”


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