Gal. 5:13 “You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.”
I read a quote recently that really struck me. It is from the famous Pavel Polez. That’s right, the great Mr Polez. Uhm, yeah, he is not really famous and I have no idea who he is either! But I do know this, that he is Russian and having been exiled from Russia to America he said: “In Russia, Christians are tested by hardship. But in America, you are tested by freedom. And testing by freedom is much harder. Nobody pressures you about your religion so you don’t concentrate on Jesus, his teaching, or how He wants you to live.”
What he said here is quite thought-provoking! The freedom defined by the world is for us to indulge in the activities of the flesh. You will think that you are free but you are not actually free. You are just a prisoner of the flesh. The freedom given by our Lord to us is freedom from the bondage of flesh by giving us His spirit. It is the kind of freedom where you can serve our Lord freely. Where His Spirit can effectively work through us.
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