Heb. 4:1 “Therefore, since the promise of entering his rest still stands, let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it.”
Recently, my wife Sarah was elected president of her class. Well as president, she has so many responsibilities including assisting their professor, consolidating their class reports, scores, class attendance, orientation of students, etc. She was trusted by their professors. Becuase of this, some of her classmates started envying her and have tried to create stories to blame her. This is when I started to notice her crying. As a fighter, I advised her to fight back and to exercise the power given to her as a class president.
That night while lying in bed, I contemplated on the ways on how to get back to her classmates. And this went on for some time. I wanted to let it go but I wasn’t getting any closer to a restful sleep. There I was in the most restful environment… lying on my bed, not too hot, not too cold… no sounds around… perfect conditions to lay my body down to sleep in a blissful, refreshing, restful night’s sleep, but I am far from being at rest. That night, my mind got to the point where my imagination told me to go to their school and throw stones at them. It was about then that I thought “ok, goodness… what a dark little heart I have!”
That night, though I wasn’t moving a muscle, was I entering God’s rest? Not even close! It was just the opposite in fact. Though it was a small thing, I couldn’t let it go or give the situation to the Lord but kept dwelling on it till it got out of proportion to actual reality. Maybe you’ve done something similar that has got you worked up and taken your peace? The promise of rest, the reality in Christ Jesus, is a promise for TODAY. But oh how we often fall short of this spiritual rest that is there for us. We can have perfect conditions externally and still not enter the rest that God has for us.
Anyway, I should add here that I haven’t thrown stones at them. I prefer bricks actually. Ok, just kidding, that’s not true either. My wife Sarah chooses the peaceful and more loving way to settle it.
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