Esther 3:5 “When Haman saw that Mordecai would not kneel down or pay him honor, he was enraged.”
Haman in this story is an Amalekite – the sworn enemy of Israel. As Esau hated Jacob, so Amalek hated Israel and so Haman hates Mordecai and the Jews. In fact, Haman is so full of rage that Mordecai will not bow down to him that he forms a plan to not only destroy Mordecai himself, but the entire Jewish population!
Now, remember that Amalek speaks of the flesh – that sinful self-centred old nature that we all possess. Thus, the conflict here between Haman and Mordecai gives us a glimpse of that which battles in our own hearts – the conflict between flesh and spirit. This battle may be internal and unseen to those around us, yet it is as real as the conflict that we see brewing in this story of Esther. Mordecai then, is a picture of the Holy Spirit who will not bow down or give any ground to Haman, the sinful old nature. The two will always be in conflict for the Bible said:
Gal. 5:17 “For the flesh desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh. For these are opposed to one another in order that you should not do those things you might wish.”
Exo.17:16 “The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation.”
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