January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


There is no Retirement in Serving the Lord

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Six months of oil of myrrh treatments… six months of spices and cosmetic treatment, all of these in preparation to meet the King. The comparisons and contrasts with the Christian life are clear: we are currently in a time of preparation for our King. This period doesn’t just last six months though… it takes one lifetime.

God desires our advancement in faith until the day we die. In normal life, people tend to work most of their life and then retire in their latter years. We like the idea of making hay while the sun shines and then putting the weary old feet up in our latter years when strength and health fade. And fair enough too! And yet, God isn’t interested in our old age ‘retirement’ when it comes to learning from Him. He cares too much for us to allow that. You had better get used to this idea for the preparation for the king will continue to the day you die and go to be with Him. Through every trial, through every blessing, through every sickness, through every healing… Whether a newborn Christian or an elderly saint longing to be home at last… God desires and looks for your development and continued preparation for the day that you are called by name to stand before Him.

So keep going and don’t lose heart! Our preparation is not through oil of myrrh and spices, but through the training of the Holy Spirit.


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