January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Haman as the Flesh

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Major Ian Thomas, in his book on Esther “If I perish, I perish’ points out that not only is Haman a type of the flesh and Mordecai a type of the Holy Spirit, but the king is a type of the soul of man. Thus, the king is easily swayed when Haman is in charge! In fact the king is capable of making some pretty terrible decisions when Haman is holding the reigns.

Yet, as we shall see later in the book, this same king (picture of the soul of man) is also capable of making great decisions when Mordecai and Queen Esther are influencing the king (picture of the Holy Spirit connecting with the human spirit to control the soul of man). So I shouldn’t mock the king too much here. In this case, our king is but a pawn! Haman is the real villain!


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