1 Thes. 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.”
Just as we are to feed on Christ (the table of showbread), so, as priests before the Lord, we also offer up prayers, intercession and praise. And just as the fire burnt continually on the altar of incense, the New Testament tells us to pray continuously (1 Thes 5:17). This doesn’t mean that we are continually in one long monotonous prayer throughout the day! But we should maintain an attitude where we are ready to offer up prayer and praise to God at frequent intervals throughout the day, as people’s needs and reasons for praise are laid on our hearts.
Intercession for others is a big part of this altar of incense. It is the role of Jesus in this age for the saints. But it is also the role and privilege of all believers to intercede on behalf of others in this age. Samuel considered it a sin if he didn’t pray for his fellow Israelites (1 Sam 12:23). In fact intercession was found in all of the great saints of old. Moses interceded on behalf of the nation before God (Ex 32:10-14).To be fair he had to intercede for them lots of times!
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