January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Make Peace your Sign to Proceed

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The concept of peace in this context pertains to a deep sense of assurance regarding our harmonious relationship with God. It signifies the confidence in God being on our side, supporting us through life’s challenges, and guiding us towards our ultimate destination. This peace should govern our hearts and take precedence, particularly during times of uncertainty and distress. We must be vigilant against anything that threatens to disrupt this inner peace, such as anger, malice, or bitterness. It is essential to recognize when these negative emotions attempt to establish a foothold in our hearts and firmly reject them, acknowledging that they are contrary to the teachings of the Lord, and that the peace of Jesus should take precedence.

When faced with uncertainty, it is beneficial to ask ourselves two vital questions: “Will this contribute to inner peace?” and “Will my heart be at peace if I proceed with this action?” This verse is especially valuable when seeking divine guidance. If the Lord intends for us to follow a particular path, He will undoubtedly grant us a sense of peace about it. In the absence of that peace, it is wise to refrain from proceeding. As the saying goes, “Darkness about going is light about staying.”


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