January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Questions in this Life

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God obviously can allow some things to happen that, quite frankly, seem awful from our earthly perspective. Dreadful to be exact! If you read the story of Job, in one day, he has just lost his entire wealth and possessions and all of his children. All ten children… gone in one day! Can you imagine that? God allowed that. We shouldn’t try to gloss over it. There are many hard questions that are posed in the Book of Job and this event is certainly one of them.

Likewise, there are many happenings in our lives that will remain unanswered in this life, but not in the life to come. Christian couples who have been trying to have a child for a long time still suffer miscarriages or have their child die in its early years. Beautiful young Christians with their whole life ahead of them still get cancer and die. Wonderful Christian missionaries still get killed in their mission area. All wonderful people; we don’t know why God allows these things to happen. But, as we shall see at the end of this book, great blessings both spiritually and materially were restored to Job and his wife. Job himself will come into a far greater and deeper walk with, and understanding of his Lord.


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