Esther 5:12 “Haman also said, “Even Esther the queen let no one but me come with the king to the banquet which she had prepared; and tomorrow also I am invited by her with the king.”
Haman, upon arrival at home, once again starts lavishing praise and honor on his all-time favorite person – that would be himself. Self-exaltation and pride of this nature is well, nauseating to say the least! But Haman can’t help himself. It is completely characteristic of the fleshly nature to be self-focused and self-exultant. Here are what Major Ian Thomas and Vernon McGee said about this:
Major Ian: “Reading between the lines, and in so many words, what Haman had to say to his friends was this, “Apart from the king, the queen would not let anyone else come to the banquet but myself, and confidentially, between you, me and the gatepost, I do not think she was really enthusiastic about the king being there either! The flesh has an unlimited capacity for self-deception when it comes to enhancing its own reputation.”
Vernon McGee said: “As you may have noticed, when a man starts bragging, there are usually three areas he talks about. First he boasts about his riches, the money he makes. Then he talks about his fine children – or grandchildren (that’s what I do). Then he will generally boast about his promotion and high position. Haman went all the way. He boasted in all three areas. There is another thing that men boast about. They like to boast about being great with the ladies!”
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