Heb. 12:2 “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…”
Recently, together with fellow parents, we attended a Boy Scout activity for our children. While waiting for our kids, I had this conversation with the parent of one of my son’s classmates:
Her: So in what church do you go?
Me: Makati Church or you may also call it the Church in Makati
Her: You don’t have a proper name?
Me: No. It is not required and it is not important to us. What’s important is the Word of God is preached.
Her: Okay, so how many are you there? Ours is a small church. There’s only about 300 of us.
Me: We are small too. We are just under 30 people and about 10 kids for a Sunday school if everyone turns up.
Her: Wow! That’s small. So do you have a pastor?
Me: No. But we have ministers who take turns on preaching whoever is being lead by the Lord.
Her: Really? So do you have a music team and a sound system?
Me: Well, we have microphones and speakers. We have brothers who take turn in leading us the worship songs and sometimes, my wife Sarah plays the keyboard. And if they don’t come we just sing without them.
Her: Really? Well, does your church have any land? Do you have your own church building?
Me: No. We are just occupying one of the room in an apartment owned by one of our brother.
Her: Wow! Really? So… so… so where do you see your church going?
Me: To meet our Lord Jesus in the Rapture.
Her: Good answer!
And we laughed together after that! She was really amazed that a Church like us exists!
Nowadays, believers love to focus on numbers, programs, buildings, many church activities and how-to manuals! We are focused on so many things that they take our focus to the most important One – Our Lord Jesus Christ! We need only to focus on Him. As our verse above says “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.”
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