Rev. 5:4 “Then I began to weep greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look into it.”
The Apostle John here began to weep when he saw that there is no one in heaven nor on earth who is worthy to save humanity. Specifically, there is no one who can save him. You can imagine John asking some of the great “names” of the Bible in heaven whether they could step up and be the redeemer worthy to claim the scroll. I can imagine him approaching the following:
1. “Enoch, you are the first one to be raptured, you walk with God, can you redeem us?”
Enoch may have replied “I’m sorry, but I am not sinless. I have a sinful blood. My blood can’t redeem.”
2. “Noah, how about you? You are described by the Bible as perfect. Can you redeem us?”
“Just like you, I also fall short of the glory of God. My blood can’t redeem as I am tainted with sin. I am not worthy.”
3. “Abraham, Father of faith and Father of Israel – what about you?”
“I can’t… I couldn’t even wait for God to bring about His promise. I have produced Ishmael and all the centuries of conflict that followed is my fault… I’m sorry”
4. “Moses , the great deliverer – what about you?”
‘I’m Sorry… I also fall short. I wasn’t even allowed to enter the Promised Land. I cannot redeem. I needed redemption myself.”
5. “David , mighty King David, the man before God’s own heart, what about you?”
“I am also sinful. It is true what I wrote- ‘Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, And in sin my mother conceived me.”
6. “Paul , the great Apostle… what about you? Will you redeem?’
“Not me John. Remember, I am the Chief of all sinners. I cannot redeem.”
No wonder John wept. It seemed like there were none that could redeem us. But behold, there is One Who has satisfied all the requirements for redemption. And He alone can redeem, NO ONE ELSE. He is the Lion from the Tribe of Juda. The Bloody Lamb. He is no other than our Lord Jesus Christ!
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