January 13, 2025

Eagle Eye Community


Truth Stumbled in the Street

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“Truth has stumbled in the street…” What happened to truth? It lies fallen in the street. In the place where she used to be received and accepted, she is no longer wanted. The Hebrew word for “stumbled” here means “to totter and waver, and to falter, stumble and fall or be cast down.” In other words, the majority today are saying that they don’t like truth. There is no such thing as absolute truth. They are saying “We hate how she is so sure and absolute about things! We won’t listen to her. Weaken her! Knock her down! Look! She is starting to waver, she is starting to fall! Get rid of her!”

This is the condition of the churches today leading up to the return of Jesus Christ. They don’t want to offend each other with the truth that’s why they are preaching: “All of us are right. There’s no such thing as absolute truth. Our Unity is more important than the Truth.” Indeed, truth has fallen in the churches.


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