July 27, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


The Love of God

The cross of Jesus Christ after the crucifixion, as described in the Bible.

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John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

The first attribute of Love is that, it should be given in order to be manifested. It is not love if it is not given. That’s why the greatest form of love is through giving (John 15:13). This is why love is the main purpose of creation. The second attribute of love is that, for it to be appreciated and be expressed, freewill or the ability to choose is required. If the giver or the receiver of love has no freewill or is programmed like a robot, then love can’t be expressed and appreciated because love requires choice.

So how did we grasp the great love of God towards us? It is only through the fall and the cross that we have understand the love of our Lord. Who would have thought that a great God would come and die for a fallen sinful creation that had rejected Him? It is only through the fall and the cross that we have understand how amazing His grace is especially to us who didn’t deserve any of it! It is only through the fall and the cross that we have understand how this love is not self-focused, willing to bear all things, believe all things and endure all things for those He loves. That is pure love. That is the love of God towards us.


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