1 Thes. 4:17 “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
One time, I was asked by a colleague who was skeptical about the Rapture “Do you really believe in the Rapture? Do you really believe that Jesus is going to return and that you will have an incorruptible body? Is that actually what you think?” To the one who doesn’t know the Lord it is a fanciful idea…an outrageous thought. Yet to us, the believers, it is the blessed hope.
WE NEED TO REMEMBER THAT THE BIBLE HAS A BATTING 100% IN ALL ITS PROPHECIES. Every prophecy about the Lord Jesus’ first coming were fulfilled with 100% accuracy. All other prophecy including the Messiah’s first coming and countless prophecies concerning the scattering and regathering of Israel has been fulfilled to the very letter. The return of the Lord for His bride will be no different. Mankind is descending into an “anything goes” state. God will not allow it to go on much longer without intervention and judgement.
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