November 14, 2024

Eagle Eye Community


The Two Eternal Laws

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According to the verse above, the first law is called “the law of sin and death”. The second is called “the law of the Spirit of life”. Both are in operation at the same time and both influence the believer. The first operates through man’s fallen nature pulling him down and leading to sin. It is summed up in Romans chapter 7 with Paul saying “I do not understand my own action for I do not do what I want and I do the very thing that I hate. I want to do what is right but I cannot do it” (Rom. 7:18-20). Never forget that this law exists. Without living in a dependency upon the Holy Spirit, even a true child of God can expect is failure. It is a law. It changes not! It brings sin, failure and discouragement. Don’t be surprised when this law operates in you!

Yet praise God that a second law has been enacted that is more powerful and when taken into account brings freedom from the first law! God has given a new decree that declares that the Spirit whom he has given believers can and will free them from the bondage of the law of sin and death. This second eternal decree has gone throughout the world so that all who believe may find grace, forgiveness and life!


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